Sorry about my grammar imperfections . Some of it is my big fat fingers on such a small for me android device. Mixed with it often times on certain touch screen charrecters pressed not actually displaying that charecter intended pressed. Mixed with the fact , I am not compleatly computer or device literate and only self trained in my pre internet typing skills using the internet.Not a natural unthinking thing on here for me to do . Also all my life I've been spelling and grammar dyslexic challenged. But computer spell checking programs and grammar programs like grammarly have helped allot But only when I'm on a ?laptop or desk computer. But not on smal 8 inch screen Walmart old Android devices like this one where they don't run in a situation where I spontaneously writing and then sending a response with out back checking, proof reading a few times over!!!.So please keep this in mind for future tense when reading !e and my text of messages sent as I can't afford better equipment presently and for awhile now these past few years.
Now to answer yes that is correct I am 70 years old and never !arrived and no kids . On large part because I know what it is sexually in a female I e wanted all these years since puberty and I'm just not aware of other cultures and the realities of their sexual mores such as in parts of Europe and so on regarding acceptance of chastity etc till the internet happened and I happened to start learning and teaching my self to using it and educate my self sexually among other things through my access then to it.
For many years I lived isolated in NE.Alaska wilderness as a trapper in large part due to a Marijuana entanglement legally I needed to escape from rather than wind up in prison for being so different from those closed judgemental minds all around me from being raised in central Indiana Where deviance of thinking sexually of any kind expressed would get you branded and ostracised as gay for life. Potentially hurt or even killed like with what happened later on years after I left and escaped the area,,,to a person name Ryan White from the same town I grew up in . Who he and his family were run out of town as gay when Ryan caught AIDS from a blood transfusion at the local hospital there after a accident happened to him So in my case take my word for it!!! I had my justified reasons to know my safety of existence depends on deciding I just keep my mouth shut self repress my self sexually and chose not to reveal my sexuality self to anyone and come time escape and at 20 years old ended up going to and spent years healing myself in Alaska from my Indiana childhood there and the ruination of my young life by abusive closed minded sexually speaking people and society there. Maybe this helps explain some things about how in America a person such as I could actually in fact come to be and why I'm so late so to speak on trying to find my sexual dream and vision now that these many years have past!!! That is since my original first visions or some may say in mature retarded growth fantasy. I've chosen to hold on to as part of my self faith in Gods will for me to keep me for just the right woman during those healing years During those years I have grown and times changed to enable me better now for better self realization and discovery. Mostly due to the advent and emergence of the internet and s elf discovery and out side cultural exposure beyond American norms of sexuality More or lless using the internet access I now for years have been affording my self in one way or another to the expanding my awareness of it and time spent self teaching my self how to use it at a minimal level I have failed God and my chase spiritual ideals and self a few times. I.I as a male had sex a few times between 20 and 30 years old. So technically I am no virgin now... But I never felt right about it concerning those I did have sex with so as to be thought as a male to fit in socially mainly because of locally at the time peer pressures were actually right for me or could understand me. So I you might say , I repented to God for my sin made up my mind to remain true to my self from the on at a certain point in life and my inner vision and dream and said ."Okay God no matter what ,from now on I'll wait on you to find me just the right girl /woman for me you have given me your vision for to be able and ready or enable to accept and desire come the right time"... It hasn't been easy all this time a life time now alone it seems But I'm still waiting rather than compromising my chase values Right down to the physical manifestations spiritually speaking in her I seek in a real person.
Maybe she doesn't exsist and as hard as that is for me to accept and love with some days so far Being alone is less hard than being married to the wrong female person for me,that I believe in faith God has unique created for me and I for her!!! Romantic and even idealistic notion I have and held on to all these years about her possiblity of her existing let alone finding one another in this world. """Hope springs eternal they say!!!"""