Renita Laura Another problem with hosting today But how did I see notice like "forum will be back shortly"? I thought it was your problem.
Laura Valadar The node went down. It's not unusual and might happen everywhere. But they didn't pay attention for a long time.
Laura Renita But how did I see notice like "forum will be back shortly"? I have forwarded to another VPS
BikelockFugitive Ines You want to see some real entertainment? Watch this, Imma make two Admins nervous in one single sentence! Vanessa @Laura The website tries to execute code that is written in the Searchbar. 😗
Laura BikelockFugitive The website tries to execute code that is written in the Searchbar. People are trying to do it few times a day 😂
BikelockFugitive Laura Didn't know this website got so many daily visitors? Still, I always get nervous when a website does anything except spitting out code the way you entered it.
Laura BikelockFugitive Didn't know this website got so many daily visitors? 20-25K a day BikelockFugitive Still, I always get nervous when a website does anything except spitting out code the way you entered it. It does and it returns an empty set to your queries. But you are lucky you didn't trigger the fail2ban. We don't want to lose you
BikelockFugitive Laura Jesus fuck, 25k? I wonder if we are already watched by the Gov.... Fail2ban usually just lasts a few minutes, doesn't it? Apart from that the php code did echo once! So there is a risk.
Laura BikelockFugitive Jesus fuck, 25k? That's a relatively small number and I can still handle on a cheap VPS BikelockFugitive Fail2ban usually just lasts a few minutes, doesn't it? I set for 72 hours. And next time, please, play with instead BikelockFugitive Apart from that the php code did echo once! So there is a risk. Then report it to the flarum community directly
BikelockFugitive Laura Relativly small? Considering the topic of this forum I would say that's a whole lot! I would LOVE to have some statistical data on them! Age, sex, gender, nationality, parent/child, and so on.... Laura And next time, please, play with instead 'Kay mom.
Laura BikelockFugitive I would LOVE to have some statistical data on them! Age, sex, gender, nationality, parent/child, and so on.... I can only tell you countries, browsers and OSes
BikelockFugitive Laura I wonder... if we pin like a Googledoc poll or something like that... How many people will answer it (truthfully?)
Laura BikelockFugitive But what for? Well I can enable profiling through the Google Analytics, but prefer not to do it, because I respect visitors' privacy and anonymity
Rick Laura You might be interested in an analytics tool that's more respectful of privacy than the big G. LWN has an article about some alternatives, mostly open source:
Angelina Vanessa I agree with you.It wouldn't be pleasant for much people here to be "spied" this way. it's true, I don't think I'd be writing under these circumstances.