Hello everyone: I have been a silent reader for a while, and I have just made the decision to join the chastity life. I have never realized that chastity belt could be a "serious" life choice rather than fetish gear (sorry if my word have caused some offense...for a long time all the information I know about female chastity device was related to some adult content...and I fell really grateful that I could find serious discussions here)
Let me introduce myself: I have graduated for a few years, and now living with my partner. The reason made me to chastity is I am (at least partly) sex-addicted, with a masturbation history more than ten years (sorry I know it would be considered not good at all for some people). My partner is an engineer, and his work usually requires him stay on site for a few days or even a week. Although he is open to my masturbation activity, I feel guilty and anxiety for this. That made my motivation to use a chastity belt to impose self-control.
I have talked with my partner and he agreed to be my keyholder, whatever him at home or away. We decided to start with a Chinese belt at first, to see whether I could really submit myself into the lifestyle. (we are saving for the mortgage so we want to be more cautious before investing on a western-custom made belt).
I have some questions about the features/design of the belts. Would anybody willing to help me with them?
1.There are two kinds of waist belts: the "belt" or the "wire". It's obviously that the wire one would be more light-weighted, but less enduring. I'm also worried the wire may hurt waist, compared with the belt. Would there be anyone who have experience with the two different kind of waist structure?
2.About hygiene. Currently I work from home so I could even use the showerhead every time after pee. However if I need to go out and use the toilet outside, would a water spray and toilet paper could clean it?
3.For the rear belt, there are either "two wires" linking from the secondary shield to waist band at back, or an anus ring allowing for toilet use. Will the metal anal ring cause much uncomfortable when sitting?
Thank you very much and I would thank you again for all your discussions here, to encourage me to talk this with my partner and make some change in my life.
(I am not a native English speaker and I apologize for any rude/strange grammar/language usage if it happened in my post
(I have posted this in Introduction, and Ines suggested me to post this in another thread. I think it may be good to start a new thread? for people in relationship wishing to control their masturbation behavior...