So, in the mean-time, I bothered my mom often enough to convince her to rethink my connection chain length. We made a test with attached thigh bands to demonstrate my challenge on stair steps. Finally, she realized my problem and agreed to about +1cm (for the higher worn bands). Disadvantage was, that after the test, she left it locked in place for the night, which is quite uncommon during holidays, grr! My fault, I wanted to test.
Since my connection chain is welded to the rings (in order to save me of the bothering padlocks between my legs), it could not be done easily. We had to estimate the new length. The modification (replaced chain, again welded) had to be done by my father the next day.
Modification is done for my waist style belt, yet. For using the stairs, it is much better, now (even with only +1cm!). However, the general wearing comfort didn't change much. It actually doesn't feel like less restriction. Accessibility is still bad. Unfortunately, my thighs are still forced in place to seal the side borders of the shield. No change on toilet use or sitting comfort, where I hoped for a little improvement.
Anyways, I think we will do the same on the other belt after changing.