I would look at this from a completely different angle:
If you enter into a contract with your keyholder, both sides have obligations and responsibilities under that contract. If the agreement is, that the wearing of the belt is to be enforced to ensure no orgasm is possible for the wearer, then it is the obligation of the keyholder to see that this is actually achieved.
That means, the keyholder must then have the right to add security if he/she feels this is necessary (e. g. thighbands or chastity bra) and the wearer has to accept that making that decision unilaterally is the right of the keyholder.
On the other hand, it is then the responsibility of the keyholder to ensure no orgasm can be achieved, no matter what the wearer attempts. Trying to bypass the belt is normal and should not be punished - but security measures should be increased at the keyholder's disgretion. If then a bypass attempt is successful, it is actually the keyholder who should be punished for failing the trust the wearer has put in him/her.
In other words:
Why should a wearer accept the discomfort and daily inconvenience of being in a belt if the keyholder then does not ensure the objective is actually achieved?