Angelina Laura Because she is not virgin 😂 but we now have a clear rule that if someone asks for something, he/she must set a good example. 😂
Laura Abby82 may i ask have you been able to cheat the belt anyhow? The main purpose of my belt is virginity, so you know the answer 😂
Angelina Renita You know, I'm always against thighbands. yes, that's what I thought, but I understood @Laura to say that you once advised her to use some, or did I misunderstand @Laura?
Ines ToCuteForU0 My mom wears some special made coated chains for het tightbands, I don't know how my parents got them. But they really are sounds proof. When do you have to use them?
ToCuteForU0 Ines I sometimes need to wear them in the weekends or holidays. They spare one I sometimes wear don't have a coat, so not suitable for daily use. Especially when I walk around at university. So far my parents haven't tried to convince me for permanent wear or something like that.
Ines ToCuteForU0 I sometimes need to wear them in the weekends or holidays. Quite similar to me, then, I use them in nights too, if I am in home.
Renita Ines Without a padlock ataching the chain to the belt, If the D ring is on the frame and not the secondary shield, you ca not remove the thighbands. Can you just pass a chain through D-ring? I'm not familiar with thighbands and especially that "triangle".
Ines Renita It is similar to a "T" or "Y", it is not a triangle. However, if they had a triangle, they would also need a padlock to close the chain, right?
Renita Ines However, if they had a triangle, they would also need a padlock to close the chain, right? A single padlock for chain going through 5 D-rings.