Aspire02 Hi i am interested in getting belt i am male. i am looking at my-steel but i am wondering what kind of crotch band/chains/active/cable and style most people are using. looking for advise and recomandations.
Aspire02 Renita male but the crotch band/chains/active/cable may i presume is the same for male and female style
Aspire02 Renita ok then i am wrong but i stil wondering what people are using is it cable/activ style most people are using. i understand whaist vs hip style is very individual to body type shape and form
Angelina Renita No, they are not. it is not the same, but there are parts that are comparable @Aspire02 02 the best thing to do is to have a look at the manufacturer's website, you can see what models are available for men (with a picture).