so first of all i don't see your father as a dictator, i just think he doesn't make any rational decisions because he doesn't see women and men as equal (you don't either) . with my father it's a bit different, it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with education for me, but to protect with, that might sound a bit strange but his methods help. for example i still keep my diary and can say that through the new rules my fight against my equipment has strongly decreased.
so it's more about me discussing all rules with my father and having a say in them, which doesn't seem to be the case with you. i have to follow basic principles but i can say when i go too far and when i disagree (and fear that without consequences). We have punishments only for what I do or if I behave rudely.
yes it is hard to be under complete lock and key but I believe that we still have a very liberal system where we both talk to each other and can unfold freely. it is just hard to describe.
I'll explain it with an example: if we introduce a new rule at home, we draw up a contract together, which we discuss and sign. we both get an execution of it. the rule is precisely stated in the contract and the penalty if the rule is broken.
that sounds very bureaucratic now, but it works. everything is recorded very precisely, while it often seems arbitrary to me with you.
as i have already written under the other text, i don't mean that as well, but worry about you