So true! It's hard to exaggerate the cost of an unwanted pregnancy / an unwanted child. Even the cost if someone "somewhat", superficially(?) "wants" a child (at first...) but is eventually incapable to cope with the situation, let alone taking proper care for a child, can be utterly catastrophic. It's paid not just in money, but in many additional "currencies", simultaneously.
So, unless you really, really want and can handle becoming parents (right now) and being parents for an indefinite time, a belt can save you a life! Literally. Foolproof, battle-hardened contraception and protection - even if intoxicated or even passed out. No need to take medication or have surgery performed. Plus staying away from many sh*tty controversies, horrible dilemmas, maybe even legal problems on top (just compare issue in the USA - ).
Consequently, I'd confirm: Despite the initial cost, it can be a great investment. (Please with consent and in a positive, caring set-up!)