youdontknowme In the end, I think a good criterion to judge how "chastity-friendly" a cultural shift is would be its effect on the average happiness of chastity belt wearers.
right, if it were accepted in the mainstream that wearers of chastity belts were more satisfied with their lives, the belts would generally become more mainstream
Kaja Well, I understand why exist minimal age for sex
I would disagree, I would even rather support a minimum age for chastity belts (only in comparison). there is consensual sex, then it is none of the state's business, or there is forced sex, then it is rape and therefore a crime anyway
Joh Since I consider the prevention of the free development of sexuality to be a much greater intrusion into the personality than the restriction of wearing a chastity belt before the age of majority, the law should rigorously prohibit this.
a quick question, how do you want to control that? In contrast to my example with the headscarf, a chastity belt is under clothing and not obviously visible
Sara2001 Why does a chastity friendly culture necessarily mean more chastity belt wearers? It means you shouldn't have problems because of your belt.and you shouldn't be seen as a lesser person. A transgender friendly society doesn't mean more transgender people,.too. Just that there is no more need for hiding.
well written, I agree with you. because we are more open to different sexual orientations, there are no more homosexuals than there were 50 years ago, it only seems that way sometimes because they no longer have to hide so much
and I believe it was @youdontknowme who wrote something about the fit that should only be for adults. sorry if it wasn't you, but i got a bit lost in the wall of text. on the subject of fit. let's assume i as a 19 year old adult would really like to have a chastity belt, that would already cause problems for me because i have a rather childlike figure, i'm small and thin. means there are girls aged 12/13 who have the same body shape as me. so if we say we only make a fit for adults, that won't work, the body doesn't change automatically with the 18th birthday, it's a process that takes years