Yes,as you know,I only agree reluctantly to wear it.I understand my parent's opinion about waiting until married(even if I don't share it totally),that I may concentrate more in studies(and soon,work),etc...but I should be able to decide it myself,not being prevented by wearing a chastity belt,which impact Emilie's too(we're in love and should be able to make love together).And I should be able to pleasure myself when my urges are strong.And,even if it impact my work or my social life,or my relationship,etc...I'm adult,I should have the right to decide and face the consequences.
If I can replace the lock and their keys,they would think only their keys can open it,while I would be able to open it when I want too.So,yes,I would do it.
Thank you for the tips Raziel,but we also need to be able to do it discreetly.And be able to lock it again easily,without our opening being noticed,And I never suceed at lockpicking mine...