Since laws were invented they have been used and abused by those people currently in power to
A) ensure they stay in power as much as this is possible
B) shape the legal landscape in order to impose their world view on everyone and outlaw anything that goes against it
Look no further than the U.S. for proof of that.
A powerful lobby with political influence prevents even the most basic and common sense gun controls.
A minority (by overall vote count) political party has shaped voting districts in a way that the number of lawmakers does not reflect the actual voter affiliation (by vote count) .
The overwhelming majority (based on many polls) is in favour of liberal abortion regulations, but a minority in control of political power (through means mentioned above) is doing their very best to impose their restrictive views on everyone, criminalising those women who dare to make their own decisions about their body.
BTW: Considering the above it is kind of funny how much energy you invest in a forum like this one to flight against less than a handful of people who are - let's say pushed - towards being in a belt they themselves would not have chosen without that push, while ignoring much more serious and widespread problems.