Erections are needed to avoid health problems and to be sure to not damage the penis.But you can be allowed to be erect,while not allowed to get an orgasm.And it would be very frustrating for you...
Jeff there is one scene where she cuts her belt
If I remember correctly,there is several belted women in this scene.And when you watch it while wearing a chastity belt yourself,it is a very different feeling...
Laura Unfortunately there is no movies with girls wearing modern chastity belts
I agree,it seems the ones used in Mad Max are not ones which could be worn long-term.
I wonder if someone went to a comic-con with a Mad Max themed costume,with a chastity belt on! π
It remembers me an old topic in which we talked about wearing a chastity belt to go to some concerts(metal,especially,if I remember well),as it could be in the theme.
I often wondered how many people in the same university than me are wearing chastity devices under their clothes...
Ines I can not assure it, but I believe there are more girls that wear them that we can suspect.
I think so,too.
Angelina very few people talk about the belt because it is simply uncomfortable for many, very few seriously talk about sexual activities
Right.Even if it would be sexual inactivities,in this case!π
If you get erections often enough,it could reduce the risks.