Hello everybody,
I would like to introduce myself. I am aware, that this forum is mainly female oriented and I am a cis male. But I hope I will be compatible with many of you because we share quite a lot 🙂
I am locked in chastity belt (well it's technically a cage right now) and the key has my beloved wife. The reason why I wear chastity belt is masturbation. I used to do it many times every day.
At the beginninng of our relationship I was able to stop it, though. But after one or two years it was back. My wife recognized it soon because as I was exhausted from all that masturbation I did not sleep with her as often as she was used and started with questions. I had a lot of excuses of course but it was still getting worse so she wanted know why we don't make love as often as we were used to and she was getting upset. I confessed that I do it alone. She was very sad and she wanted to know why. I needed a lot of strength but I eventually told her everything.
Couple of days after this she came to me and asked me if I would agree to wear a chastity belt because it really can stop such habits. I was in schock but she patiently explained me, why it could be good for us. She let me read some others people experience which was really interesting. The truth is that I have always known that what I am doing is really not good. So I made the biggest descission in my life and agreed to wear it for her - and for me of course.
And that's about it. This story began 8 years ago and still continues. I wear chastity belt 24/7 and I am unlocked only when we make love, for doctor visits, sport or airplane traveling.
I must admit that it really works, we both are really happy.