Hello. 27M, UK. Me and my girlfriend 25F both have ADHD at the "mostly just about able to function normally" level. I've had problems with masturbating rather than working since, uh, before I can really remember to be honest. I found out about chastity while in high school, and got my first cage, a CB3000 when I started university. I've since switched to a Holy Trainer. At first, wearing the cage with a time safe helped me focus on studies, and I also found it helped give me social confidence around girls. I've been with my girlfriend for six years now. Initially she was also my keyholder, but for the past two years she has also been wearing a cheap Chinese belt some of the time. Now that we're both earning money we're looking to buy her a more comfortable belt that she can hopefully wear for longer. The aim is that we'll both be locked together six days per week using a timer safe.