Milord You have developed no willpower. You are weak-willed, and this makes you ill-equipped to face the world.
That is perhaps more worrying than the privacy issues and the genital control. By treating you like a little child unable to take care of himself, she is preventing your growth as a person.
Milord If, even partially, you are in this situation, go away. now
Go to the police, go under a bridge. you are 22, so you are studying in university. Stop, get out, find a job, any job, save yourself.
Harsh to say that, but there is a point to it. If nothing changes, you will never be your own man. The person your mom is shaping you into is unlikely to be interesting for partners, employers or instructors. I do not think you should seek out the life Milord is describing, but if you cannot reason with your mother, you may need to embrace the possibility of living without her to strengthen your negotiating position.
Sleeping under the bridge is the worst case though; before it comes to that, try reaching out to other relatives, to friends from school, to your school's counseling offers, anyone that can address the problem "my mother is preventing me from growing as a person". No need to bring up chastity anywhere in this.
Ines Tiger shark is saying the same, but capybara and I are more skeptical.
I sincerely hope that this story is not true, at least not entirely, but terrible parents, even terrible parents with good intentions, sadly exist. And with the internet being as large as it is, I would rather err on the side of advising a troll than dismissing a person with real problems.