curious His perspective on this forum is alien. As alien as that of an atheist would be in a church.
I might find the idea if a God wrong, not founded in any way by common sense and certainly not supported by any empiric science. But just because I am convinced that I am right and many others share my views, that does not give me the right to go to a place dedicated to exactly those views I object to (i.e. a church) and argue constantly there how wrong everyone is.
Technically speaking, of course the Internet is open to everyone. But so is a church.
If you cannot see why despite your right to free speech it is wrong to go to a church to proclaim atheism would be the only reasonable way, I am afraid your parents have skipped the lesson of tolerance.
And exactly the same applies here with this forum. By name this forum is about chastity before a wedding, so with few exceptions it is exactly about that dynamic between parents and offspring he (and obviously you too) are against.
Still, the fact that this forum is explicitely dedicated to this subject makes those who's only business to be here is to argue against this, trolls by definition.
I forgot to answer this.
Church and forum that's easily disproved. A church is a place where the truth is revealed to people that listen to it and accept it as dogmatic
No discussion
No confrontation
No challenging the truth
This is a forum. Not a website, not even a blog. But a forum, and a public one. A forum is not a place for revealed truth, it's a place where ideas are challenged and discussed. Comparing it with a church is totally notwithstanding.
@curious and chastity since you continue to challenge my right to stay here, can you explain in which way you are tied to parenting chastity? Of course I will never think that this is not your place. I'm a guest here, it's not for me to decide who is welcome and who is not. But for someone that is so vocal in pointing out who is entitled to speak and who is not, it will be nice to share your situation.