Angelina Yes, I can totally understand your position and as I said, this point is really difficult for me. I am not sure I want to live a life in tightbands, but I am open enough to give this descision a try. No matter what the final result will be, it affects me in to years or later, so I hadn't seen a reason to make an argument out of it. I am sure we will talk about this again.
After the bootcamp we decided that the power difference between us should be as big as realistically possible. It includes very hard restrictions that I don't absolutely dislike, like 2 times a day one hour corner time or the tightbands. But beeing able to handle them is a wonderful feeling for me. Beeing able to do all this for him and seeing how much he loves that I am super submissive to him, makes me very happy and proud. I am sure this sounds very strange for anyone who is not into this kind of relationship. I now think about the tightbands as an element of showing him how much I love him and how well I accept my role. I also use it as test, to see how it will be to do something I really hate for him, if it makes me unhappy and how he will react. It is actually a very exciting situation for me.