Lea I think it is permanent
If it's the case,I'm very sorry for you.It isn't easy,even if we can live with it.
Are you still virgin?I think it is a bit easier if virgin.
Angelina if so, you still have to discuss many things with your parents and clarify the details, especially regarding showers and hygiene, please take my advice to heart, it is very important that you talk extensively with your parents about it
Yes,it needs more talks about important things for a permanent wearing.Even more if never used before.
Angelina you must remember that your parents have the keys and therefore total control over your sexuality, please speak to your parents again very carefully
For permanent wearing,their role with the keys is easy:take care of hygiene as long as she's single(opening for showers,maybe supervised,and for health care,mainly)and give her keys to her husband/wife on the wedding day...