For my part I vote of course NO because forcing a girl (or woman) to wear a CB is frankly disrespectful of his dignity as a woman.
Personally I would much rather be cuckold than lock my partner (or my daughter) in a belt.
In fact it is not a piece of metal that will change what it has deep in his heart.
It is more rewarding for a man not to have been deceived (cuckolded) by his partner when she had the possibility to do it without physical constraint. (without CB)
But it's While it is much less rewarding to constat that I was not deceived (cuckold) because I placed a piece of metal physically preventing my wife to be wrong (to make me cuckold)
In the first case I am sure that his feelings were sincere towards me.
Whereas in the second case I will always have the doubt of the sincerity of his love towards me.
To meditate.