Tell us what you think
Forum feedbacks, suggestions and notices
I like it a lot so far. Maybe there should be a list of members to see how many we actually are!
I like it,as the name of it.
The field to type an answer is not the best,however,it should not be stuck to the bottom of the screen,but it is not a big problem.
The issue with today's outage has been cleared
E-mail system (activation link and notifications) should work properly now. Let me know if you still have issues.
I have problems to get a connection from time to time. Do you have any issues with the server? Other pages are working fine.
Girls, thanks you for bringing my attention to the problem. I didn't know it was so bad.
I will move it to another location tonight.
Everything has been moved to the new node and reinstalled from scratch. Let me know if any issues.
Thank you so much. Till now it looks fine
Yes, it got a lot better. No endless page loading
Yes,since you've moved it,there is no problems anymore.
Maybe a "Member" category in addition to the "Adult" category.
Not every discussion outsiders are not supposed to see contains adult content.
- Edited
BikelockFugitive Makes sense. Will add it.
UPD: Done. "Members" tag has been added.
Laura, boss, could I suggest a wider use of members tag?