Q: How does a chastity belt look like?
A: A female chastity belt consist of a waistband locked around waist or hips and a shield running between legs, also called "chastity part"and locked to waistband usually with the same lock. A shield has long narrow slit, narrow enough to make an intercourse impossible. There might be another narrow shield with few rows for small holes covering the slit to prevent masturbation and non-penetrative sex.
Q: What a girl in such belt can do with her boyfriend?
A: Kissing(hugging,cuddling,caress, etc.) only if her belt is fitted properly.
Q: Who should wear a chastity belt?
A: Any single girl by her own or her parents/family wish with her consent, regardless if she is never married or divorced.
Q: Why should a single girl wear a chastity belt?
A: To prevent any sexual activity/protect her virginity and/or prevent (excessive) masturbation.
Q: What is your goal?
A: We believe that sex without marriage is not allowed. And this is a way to achieve it.
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