Angelina Jonas well, I would rather recommend eating more healthily than less, it usually helps more and is not so exhausting ð
Jonas Angelina I was listing some of my weaknesses to @Vanessa in the Introductions thread... Jonas Unless there's a lock on it, I'll eat it, spend it, smoke it, or tweet it. But I have made huge progress: I lost weight by accepting that it's ok to feel a little hungry sometimes. I quit smoking by learning to live with cravings and I dealt with my belt by facing my frustrations.
Angelina Jonas But all the cream cakes and chocolate are kept in the 'fridge!! ð I bake myself very often, especially now at Christmas, but it is important to balance this out ð
Jonas Vanessa Who says I haven't? ð Seriously, I have no self-control. It's like this product was built for me...
Angelina Vanessa Not necessarily,he could buy a fridge lock!ð or eat a balanced diet ð Jonas my soul is bleeding again. as a passionate cook, such images are hard for me to bear. ð
Vanessa Jonas ðĪĢ Jonas I already have a time-safe for my chastity belt keys. You can't put one of these other things in it?ð Cornelia Cake is always good for you! hahaha ð Cornelia I agree! Angelina from the 2nd of january at the latest i will eat a bit healthier again, but for now i will enjoy the time ð Wise decision!ð
Jonas Angelina I'd need one of these for chocolate, one for my phone, one for my wallet, and I would have needed one for my cigarettes too!! I already have a time-safe for my chastity belt keys. Angelina or eat a balanced diet I make bad choices. ðĪŠ
Angelina Jonas the problem is that you, like many, try to compensate for bad habits with food. i think if you looked at food separately there would be fewer problems. ð Megan I made a cheeseburger and twice baked potatoes sounds delicious ð
Megan I was terrible today because I was eating at home completely alone. I made a cheeseburger and twice baked potatoes but then I fried the whole thing in the oven with vegetable oil...
Jonas Angelina the problem is that you, like many, try to compensate for bad habits with food. i think if you looked at food separately there would be fewer problems. ð But food is nice - therefore I cannot be trusted with it. ð