I noticed earlier on in the discussion here that some of the women mentioned about submission and how that a husband using a belt would be undermining his leadership and make him a submissive in the relationship or feminine. Seeing the concept of submission in marriage is generally a christian / religious concept, let me answer that according to what the Bible teaches.
The Bible says that wives are to submit (not be dominated by) to their husbands which simply means that they are to accept good Godly leadership by their husbands, which is not being dominated or being put under the foot of their man.
The Bible says that the body of the husband is not his own and it belongs to his wife and the body of the wife belongs to the husband. It also tells us to put our wives and husbands first, to think of them not ourselves. We give up control of our bodies to each other. So if the husband wears a belt with his wife being the key holder, and the wife is not dominating her husband, but instead following along with agreed upon conditions, and so long as the wife reasonably grants favors then there is nothing unbiblical with what they are doing.
The belt only represents the ownership of the husbands sexuality by the wife, in the same way that the husband owns the sexuality of the wife. There are several different reasons why it would be beneficial of the husband to be belted. Neurotypical people will probably find it hard to understand, but it is difficult for many of those with Autism, ADD, ADHD etc. to not either touch themselves or self stimulate. It can be a massive addiction for some and sometimes handing over access to the wife can make a much more stable and stress free relationship.
Another issue can be focus, those who have ADHD don't struggle with loving their spouses, but they get overwhelmed with so many demands on their time and things that demand attention that they lose the focus that they want to have on their spouse. Being belted helps to increase focus on the wife or husband especially if they don't get unlocked if they haven't taken care of their spouse's emotional needs sufficiently. It essentially forces their focus to be at the level and in the direction that they both want and they need it to be.
In these kind of situations it can be very healthy and beneficial to have a husband to be belted, and often he will be the one to ask knowing how his brain is wired, and it doesn't undermine the authority or leadership of the husband, so long as the desire of the wife is to help the husband make their relationship richer not to dominate her husband. The Bible doesn't support Female Led Relationships or Men or Women being dominated by their spouse, so outside of those things it is fine and can be very masculine and a sign of virility for a man to be belted by his wife.
As I said this can be hard for neurotypical people to understand, it isn't a matter of "if they are committed or if they care enough they will not need a belt". Often they will wear a belt BECAUSE they are committed and they care. They just need some help to keep their focus where they want it to be.