Angelina it is allowed, but I don't actually do it, I am too scared 🙁
Understandable,but not good for you;I hope you may find a way to do it...
Angelina then you just have to set the alarm clock to several times. 😂
I understand what you mean and you're right it's not worth the risk of getting caught. What would be the punishment for that?
As I said:
Vanessa if noticed I would get a severe punishment,some days in thigh bands and chastity bra,and a stricter dress code for some time
Maybe not allowed to close my bedroom door for some time,too,to check on me more easily...
Angelina some pictures I can't copy and save, but there is snipping tool for that 😉
Even if these are not protected that way,if they notice it on another place than their site,they could send a DMCA notice to the site owner to take the picture off.
Good it is better for you,it could have been embarrassing!