I agree with you, their father shouldn't allow us to be much safer than they are now. Now that they have one more user, it was a good time to review that and at least that they enjoy as much security as we do. In the end, they were the ones who started the tradition.
Beyond giving her point of view, what good reason can a girl have for rejecting increased security? The more you talk. the more you are justifying that you need those stricter measures.
There isn't much that can be done.
Maija it really should be discussed
You're right.
Laura But why now? It was mentioned long time ago
I think you're confused about what the girls messed up in the summer.
Angelina could it be that the device was misused for breast stimulation?
And not only. That is why we will not have breaks when the three of us are in the bathroom, with some exceptions.
Bryan Does this mean chains securing the bra to your belts?
Yes, we'll see how it's decided for us.
Bryan Any concerns about this limiting mobility?
The biggest concern is safety, since many girls here use it without problems, we don't have excuse to reject it, we have to accept it and we get used to it.
It also has good things.