Angelina does daniel agree not to open the bra for 2 weeks ?
Daniel and I want to find out if it is possible to make the suggestion for holidays, so yes, he agrees to the test.
Angelina i have already talked to my father, he agrees but in case of hygienic emergencies he wants to open the bra immediately
Daniel said the same, if I feel it is necessary to open it, we can talk. If I have a good reason, I will not be punished in any way.
Angelina I hope you have a prior release
If it is not today, it will be very unlikely, I really miss it. It was such a great feeling.
Natescage what questions would he ask like he would think there is relationship trouble if you two do not stay at his place.
It's not about the questions, we just want to hide this test from my father to get the knowledge before he is involved, so we don't loose control over the situation. By writing it, I get a bad feeling, honesty is the most important rule in our family and not telling something counts as lying. I will immediately talk with Daniel when he wakes up.
Natescage I thought you were not allowed to travel at all in western Europe right now
We are allowed but I have to wear the tightbands during our trip. To get a longer chain we want to offer a permanently closed chastity bra during the trip in exchange.