My new bra arrived and dad did the adjustments. He basically did it like described here with small(ish) holes around the cups but nothing near my areolas or nipples 'just in case'.
He is happy with the security and structural integrity which is good so it can stay on as my 'summer bra' (in his words).
My first impressions are i dont see that much od a difference normally under clothes but do if its warm in house and i take my top off.
The whole thing it led to a sort of wierd feeling for me in that i kinda ended up thanking daddy for my new gear even though its designed to deny me pleasure and getting new gear means my no orgasms is not likely to end soon for me.
Nothing else has changed for me with other gear or treatment as dad still treats me the same with SLIGHTLY more skin on show. I went on another sort of date though which was fun.