Angelina nice that you have found someone who takes you as you are and who accepts your chastity. i don't have a boyfriend (i'm not allowed to until i'm 18) but i hope to find someone like that. i think it's really great of you to give your girlfriend orgasms, even if it's certainly not easy for you.
I hope too;I think if two people are truely in love,it is bearable to wait,especially if one of them can still give pleasure to the other one.But yes,even if I like to see Emilie getting an orgasm,it is very frustrating for me!
Angelina why don't you get married? I don't know how that is with you but with us two women can also get married 🙂
Several reasons:even if we can easily think about spending our life together(we have discussed about marriage,of course),our relationship is not long enough,we don't have any job,and mainly,we haven't lived together.We're in love,sure,but I think living together is something to do before getting married,to know if it works well too.
Laura Do you know if they really have such plan? For me, it seems realistic since you will spend most of your time home.
But I don't understand why it's so bad. If I was asked to wear it home, I wouldn't see a problem.
No,not sure,but I think they won't accept me to be alone at home so often,even more with Emilie having a lot of free time too,without any changes.I think,as awful as it can be,it is more manageable than asking me several times a day where I am(and difficult to know if I'm alone or with my girlfriend,even if still at home,or if I spend time to try to achieve orgasm with my breasts,bypass my belt,etc...),or locking the door...
It is not as hard as if I have to go out with it on(even if,if the chastity bra is part of it,I'm pretty sure I'll have to wear it while going out too),but it is very restrictive.And,even if it the purpose,it would prevent me to try things to get some pleasure,even with the belt on...
James You are right about that of course, but at the same time it’s not fair to a girl to restrict her from having a chance to be active. Dad’s can’t quite get it very often - they think binding a girl will stop her thinking about it, without realizing their daughters are quite capable to think about many things at once.
The purpose is precisely to not let me have a chance to be sexually active anymore.
What I agree,and that have been discussed on Misterpoll too,is that having to wear a chastity belt tend to make us think about sex more often than if we were free.We can't do it,but we think of it more...
Renita At that time, my-steel was not yet
I checked,and it is still not available on NeoSteel,by the way.