Ines I hope you have luck. Have you thought in prepare yourself for a exam for a State Job?
No,but it may be a possibility if I still have troubles to find a job soon.
Angelina I wish you all the best in your interviews, what jobs are you applying for ?
Working in IT,mainly about computers and networks.Programming is not my best point.
Angelina are the employers close to your home ?
Mainly yes,even if a couple of meetings were for jobs about 30-45mn from my home...But which I could get to by train.
Angelina if you have a job, do you want to find your own apartment together with emilie ?
I would need a CDI(a permanent job,which can last for several years);with a CDD(limited job,for a short duration,a few weeks to a few months,generally),it is hard to find someone wanting to rent you an appartment...But as soon as one of us can rent one,we probably move together,and after some months,if all is ok,start to think about marrying.
Ines Have you weared some costume this Halloween?
Yes,I had a whitch one(a bit sexy),and managed to not have to wear my chastity bra with it(but my chastity belt was still on,of course),and Emilie worn a very sexy vampiress one.We were invited to a Hallowwen party with severral of our friends and had a great evening,even if I would have liked to have a later curfew.
Laura I worn nothing. Hate this holiday
A specific reason?
Samhain was the name of the druid celebration,before it became Halloween in the US ans came back to Europe with this name.