Sara2001 I asked him if he would ask me to do the same and his answer was "of cause not, I would order you" and a big smiley. I asked again and he said he thinks that this is the easiest way to prevent that unbelted women play with with there private parts when not supervised.
Very hard to accept it;even if only during flight!But I guess it works.
Laura A chastity belt is not needed at all in this case, though. But if I had a choice I would prefer belt.
Same for me,I prefer the blt.
Sara2001 Daniels sister is much older than him and married, so she doesn't live at the family home and we never talked about her in detail
Do you know if she still wear a chastity belt?
Welcome back! Not too bad during your holidays,even if less good then being free.
Too bad your father doesn't accept you fight it,it seems a very normal reaction!
Sara2001 I hope this ends up good for you and he will not lock you on your bed or things like that.
I experienced having my hands tied to the bed a few times,before they use a chastity belt,and it is very awful!
Angelina The punishment is simple I lose my hard-won privileges
Simple but an effective deterrent!