Yesterday I chatted with Daniel about flying and Angelinas story. He asked me why she has not worn a diaper for the flight. Her father could place a signature on the glue strip, so he can prove it was never opened. He said that's how it is done in his family.
I asked him if he would ask me to do the same and his answer was "of cause not, I would order you" and a big smiley. I asked again and he said he thinks that this is the easiest way to prevent that unbelted women play with with there private parts when not supervised.
Edit: Of cause I asked again, the answer was: "That's a topic we have to talk about if it is necessary, but I feel it is a good way, there is a very good chance that it will happen".
I asked if diapers are used for anything else in his family, because I fear to death that I have to wear one. Luckily he said no and that it is not a sexual fetish but only an easy solution. Now I have to think what I will do on our first fly. 🙁