If pee does not corrode the belt, I very much doubt a dip in the sea would.
Blood, sweat, and tears are more likely to contain the salt content to activate corrosion. Urine is a tricky one, because it does contain salts (at lower concentrations if you are properly hydrated) but also acids. Some acids corrode metals quickly in the presence of oxygen, but many of the organic acids actually remove rust by making it water soluble (or an insoluble iron salt.) Active ingredient in CLR is peracetic acid. Vinegar is also good at getting rust stains out.
Someone can check my work, but uric acid should be a weak rust remover by taking it to ferric urate.
6(C5H4N4O3) + Fe2O3 -> 2(C5H3N4O3)3Fe+ 3H2O