sarafulton I don't want to point out the obvious but here goes. This forum tries to be accepting and has gone out of its way to answer your questions. If you have any specific issues or would like to share any challenges they would be happy to assist.
So far you keep asking about other experiences, which is fine, but when asked about your own experiences your answers verge on the bizarre. For instance, wearing thigh bands changes your natural gait in a way that is s similar to wearing high heels.
While it is true one could describe this gait as a shuffle, the language is at best a relic of the past. I could imagine it as something my long dead American grandfather would say to be mean to a woman... But as I think about it, I never knew the man and was told he was mean, but he probably wasn't that mean.
For many of the people on this forum, chastity isn't a game and I think they would appreciate your sensitivity, respect, and honesty.