@Mary @Foxies
Just in my opinion, and with total respect to your choices, I think that the usage that you make of thigh bands is not the original intended for it.
Please: I do not say that you use it in bad way or weird or nothing similar, but I think that 24/7 usage is not the intended purpose.
As I show here, in an antique belt, we can see "thigh bands" (or similar), and I can "understand" we can wear it for long period if keyholder is away (always with a way of release, of course),but if we have our keyholder with us, the bands are useful to add safety to our belt, avoiding we can use angles to slide something under our shield, in some situations, but they are not useful all the time.
I am afraid that permanent usage have bad consequences In blood circulation or another issues. This is a item very useful, but we should be careful with it. In fact, I had some issues using it while I studied (I had irritation and redness), and of course, a girl alone in the bedroom ,sitting in a desk, is a situation in which all of us should wear them... and however so much study gave me problems in my thighs.
Fight the belt is normal, but cheat it, or even achieve some sensations under the belt is very difficult, we need time, concentration and calm, so, bands are created for those moments, not for long gaps of time.
However, I understand you use them in another way, and not related to chastity, however, be careful.