Abby82 Probably her also wearing a belt changed a lot 🤣
maybe, i like it when parents finally realize after years what they actually did to their children and then relax the rules because they are afraid of having to endure the same rules 😂
Abby82 and i wouldn't call that masturbation cause i can't get any good feeling from it 😅 no way that i could reach my clit and manage to get any feelings unfortunately 😅 doesn't feel good because theres just not enough space.
That's right, to describe it as masturbation would go much too far for me, it's small stimulations that unfortunately only end in frustration 🙁
Abby82 Maybe 😅 but i dont think that the bands would be easy for her at least with the same rules i have because she is alot home alone but has to someti mes leave when theres no one to unlock the bands. I don't think that i would get to unlock her bands etc.
well, at least one solution has to be found, the simplest in my opinion would be that you both don't have to wear bands 😉