Joh You mean after few month of punishment as your wrote it is common practise in female education.
In Germany, a Muslim man may spank his wife with her consent. Anything else would be illegal in this country. And there are also Islamic rulings that forbid harming her body. So, usually, Muslim husbands perform bare hand spankings on the naked bottom after their wife has admitted her wrongdoing and declared her consent. Or on a weekly basis to help her with her personality development. The woman lays over his knees, counts his beats and thanks her husband after the end of the procedure.
The aim is not harming her personality, but only improving it.
Joh Do you really think a girl or women who is against this praxis will talk open in your community about it?
In Germany, private hymen checkings for minors are not allowed. Mature women however may show their hymen to their parents (or to the doctor) with consent. And all Muslim girls in Germany I know are proud of their approved chastity and the reputation they get in return (for their monthly / weekly examinations). Many of them also report on a heavy increase of their self-confidence. You may watch the video with the girdle of chastity and see how moved the bride is after being decorated with it (
In Turkey, parents decide about medical virginity examinations. And I do not know anyone unhappy with this - including rebellious girls who have become proud about their chastity after a few months.