Michael Do you prefer to have some say in how long you stay belted until your next orgasm (having complete control, giving a min and max time etc.) or do you prefer your keyholder to be in complete control?
I prefer to not have any say in the matter
Michael Why do you prefer it the way you answered to 11?
I wear the belt to give up the control over my sexuality
Michael Are you living in a relationship according to your preferences and if not, what is different to your ideal scenario of being kept in chastity?
I'm almost there 🙂 Once my fiance receives the keys and takes control it will be ideal
Michael Do you use any kind of safeword or do you trust your keyholder 100% to realize when the belt has to be removed?
100% trust and conviction to suffer the consequences if it goes not the way I want
Michael Have you ever had a case of emergency when your keyholder wasn't present and did you have access to an emergency key?
Some accidents occurred but none of them were serious enough to have the belt taken off, I do not have an emergency key with me, my parents have an emergency one but under the deal that it is only for emergencies
Michael Are there any reasons for unlocking like doctor visits, sports and so on?
Doctor's visits, I've spent a lot of time searching for a doctor that would be understanding and willing to accomodate my situation and "procedures" that would keep me from taking advantage of the belt being unlocked
Michael Have you ever cheated during such a situation?
No, couldn't even try
Michael What have or would have been the consequences?
I don't really know, but I would surely have a lot of time without orgasms
Michael Do you have any way of how you handle when and why rules my be changed?
No, I didn't want to be there a way to handle it. But if it would really get out of hand, I would probably be forced to destroy the belt, which, as difficult as wearing it is, I don't want to do as I would never again have the sense of inevitability when it comes to wearing the belt
Michael What would you like to know from all the other willing wearers?
What are their plans and reasons for wearing the belts? Oh, by the way, are there any other couples where both partners wear chastity devices?