curious I respect every user who does it from her own beliefs. The beliefs are not important to me.
I cant agree with anybody who push others to chastity. I cant agree with anybody who judge people by her sexuality or sex life.
Im for 100% sexual freedom. Anythink what is CONSENSUAL is OK.
Part of the freedom is that you neednt masturbate or have sex before mariage, same sex sex, sex for one stand. You can wear metal pantiest if you want.
- it is not wrong if you do (or dont do) anything from it
- you have to do it voluntarily
- other involved people has to agree
- you can take it back at every time
So I can say Im not against this forum or useres there (at all). I will not only tollerate psychopats, manipulators and rapist.
I like this forum. It is full of beautiful, interesting and inspirating people from around the world.