Hi, I was wondering if there are other couples where both partners wear chastity belts? My and my fiance are one such couple, the belts were my idea, our friend is our keyholder until the wedding (January next year) when she will give the keys to my then husband


    i was actually close, read the first post in "should i become a keyholder?" but it didn't work out 😉

    Samantha where both partners wear chastity belts

    And they are not mutual keyholders. Probably it would work

      Laura And they are not mutual keyholders. Probably it would work

      Do you think it doesn't work to hold each other's keys?

        Laura I'd say it would depend on their goals regarding the use of chastity belts. If they wear them only to keep each other from masturbating, so they can only get pleasured by the other, then blackmailing wouldn't be much of a concern

          Samantha Surely partners would be too weak and soft on each other? "Oh, please let me out of my belt", "Oh, okay then, you let me out of mine too ❤️". Game over.

          Unless one person is leading, there surely has to be some form of external lock, referee, or consequence that keeps both parties to the rules?

          (Now I think of it I can see why your best friend was so wonderfully helpful to you! Make sure you buy her a "thank you" gift!)

            Jonas The way I see it, such a mutual arrangement would usually be reserved from when the partners are apart, so that they always think of each other when they get aroused. That the belts come off when the partners are together would not be a bug, it would be a feature.

              youdontknowme That the belts come off when the partners are together would not be a bug, it would be a feature.

              I can see what you're envisioning, but it would surely be a bug if they were aiming to maintain their chastity!! 😄

                Jonas maintain their chastity

                That depends on your definition of chastity. Outside of the chastity belt community, sex within a committed relationship (and nothing is more committed in a sexual sense than people who physically cannot have sex without their partner) is generally not considered unchaste.

                  Jonas spunds nice to me. If they like being chaste, why not?

                    Max9 Yeah, sounds nice to me too... but I don't think this could work with them each holding each other's keys, need external control/referee.

                    Jonas Yes, for that purpose, mutual keyholding is a tiny step beyond holding your own key, but I doubt that this is a common use case for mutual keyholding arrangements, outside of challenges like who is the first to give in, of course.

                    Laura Because they can blackmail each other

                    that's true, but not for every couple. i think if you define your goals clearly from the beginning and are willing to take on this dual role, it can work. i couldn't do it that way, so it didn't work (fortunately, in hindsight).

                    Jonas Ok. It'd be a bug if they were aiming to maintain each other' state of being unable to have sex, which is I think what we were talking about.

                    i don't think that should be the goal in a relationship that one or both don't have sex/orgasm anymore. i only think that it works because you want to preserve each other for your partner or also against your own search for sexual overdrive. with such goals it can work.

                    8 days later

                    Samantha I was wondering if there are other couples where both partners wear chastity belts?

                    There are, but apparently we're not serious enough, so I generally keep quiet about such things. ;-p

                    Admittedly I'm 30-something and pregnant, so not exactly the target market for "unwed" + "chastity"... It's not like I'm saving myself for a future husband or anything of that nature.

                    I (used to) wear a belt when my man works away. And lately I've been keeping him under lock and key when he's home... Because I'm a lil bit dominant, and I like it and I deserve it. So he's stuck with it! 😁

                    It's easy to overthink these things but that's basically how it works for us.

                      Sin omg I just read the WA hermit kingdom article and was wondering how you were.

                      Sin And lately I've been keeping him under lock and key

                      🤣🤣 lol - guy locked up by a pregnant woman hah he better look out.

                      Sin I like it and I deserve it. So he's stuck with it! 😁


                        Jen lol - guy locked up by a pregnant woman hah he better look out.

                        He has commitments now whether he likes it or not! 😁

                        I'm so happy they kept the borders closed after what happened over east. It's been so good! I keep reading articles from nutcase Americans saying how we're living under occupation in a gulag, and all we've been doing is lazing about on the beach sipping cococut water. Best summer ever! 😁

                        Things are just starting to kick off though, we have to wear masks indoors now because omicron got in, so we're not far behind you. Stay safe! Good luck with your driving test.