Angelina Laura i don't think so, i don't think poor families have the knowledge of devices like chastity belts and even if they did, most wouldn't have the money for a branded belt, although you have to say a baby is more expensive.
Laura Barbara my parents asked parents of other girls They knew what and whom to ask Rina Then your MacBook is a luxury item 😂 My laptop costs less
Angelina Rina Sure, some chastity belts cost as much as my shiny 2021 MacBook Pro 14 inch model. so i would say that all my technical equipment at home cost less than my chastity equipment. 😂 Barbara In my college were brazilian belts, I did not know that this existed
Rina Laura chastity belt is kinda luxury item Sure, some chastity belts cost as much as my shiny 2021 MacBook Pro 14 inch model.
Barbara Angelina I did not know that this existed yes most if no all girls in my college used them, same maker, mine too
Bryan Barbara Do you remember any details about the manufacturer (or perhaps could ask your mom)? It sounds like no one here is aware of a belt maker in Brazil.
Angelina Barbara yes most if no all girls in my college used them, same maker, mine too have also a few girls, worn belts from europe ? Laura Oh, I couldn't remember it at all, even though I wrote something there myself. Thanks for the reminder 🙂
Laura Bryan then I remember @Rafael mentioned something