Ines When girls have to start using it, if mothers and daughters have the same rules, the demand is higher, so it is possible that you incur punishments more often than before, since your rules, I guess, will be less lax because you have told us that your husband has decided that everyone at home have the same rules.
I understand what you mean, hope it will be not more frequent then at normally.
At moment my husband decided yesterday, i have to wear the bra when our daughter wears the belt. I should also wear something to remember me taht i am alwas in chastity too.
our daughter also asked yesterday before we left the house, if she could wear the blet now each night. She spoke seperately with me and told me, that she would not have the chance to mastrubate. On end of next weekend (we would make an permanently weekend wear) she would be in an realistic state of wearing the belt if when all decissions would be made.
So at moment its, she wars the belt when she is coming home on afternoon and i have to wer them on the day when i am home alone in my homeoffice.