Ines Do you have more daughters?
no, she is our only child.
She got her own belt yesterday evening. When my husband was coming home, the package was unpacked directly. The key for her belt was directly seperatet.
My husband has given my the key for my belt and i opened the padlock (the belt was on my daughter). I gave him the key bayck and i was gone together with my daughter in the bathroom. there se tooked of my belt. i cleaned my belt and puttet them on me. we also put her belt on.
Her belt is a little thigther then mine as i told. She means there is an little difference now. with my belt it was not really clear she had an chance to cum under the shield with her fingers. but now in her belt, there is no chance.
At the moment, we are still waiting for her tigh-bands and bra. therfore we had no express service used.
My husband told us that there sould not only one person wearing acessories. So one of us had to wear the bands and one the bra. I let my daughter decide what she prefers. She has decides for the bands.
So now i wear the bra some time again, she has the bands.
Finally my husband is now happier, becase there is no belt-sharing more needed 🙂