Milord Angelina Your happiness is the only thing that matters. More than my belief, so if you are unscathed, much better! Just be aware that most people abused by parents realize it later in their life. In case a good therapist experience with post traumatic stress syndrome and in familiar therapy can be very useful (this is my wife idea).
Angelina Milord i think the way my father brought me up from an early age helped me a lot. i was brought up lovingly but strictly. however, i was always shown the hard side of reality, life is not a children's playground. maybe that's why i can cope better with tough situations than others
Padre Milord and you will apply the same to a future daughter Why is it important to treat a future daughter the same way as how your parents have treated you? Is the parent only successful if you put your future daughter in a belt too? I don't get that.
Milord Padre It's not important. I believe that abuses should be stopped. But it just happens, and if you believe something has been good for you, you will repeat on your child. This is how it works, it's not my invention.
Padre Milord I know there is a chance that abused people will abuse others later. But there also are people who have the power to decided that they never want to abuse others so they break the circle of abuse.