And I think there is a big risk she damages their relationship.
Angelina correct, the rules must be accepted beforehand
Or,as @Jonas as said in another topic,it should be accepted again,with the new rules.If not accepted,the old rules still applies.
Angelina I don't think she has quite understood that it is much more difficult to convince her daughter to wear a chastity belt than an abstinence belt.
I think so,too.
I doubt @HHelen's daughter would be happy after this change in the rules...
HHelen Depending on her results.
So,if she's a good student,she would be allowed often enough?But still less than presently?
HHelen So, they "just" wanted to prevent masturbation. Suddenly. Something is missing in your story.
I've already explained it before,but I summarize a bit.It was at first used for punishment,then for preventing it instead.It was always totally forbidden for me to masturbate or have sex,and if caught,I was punished.But they probably tolerated it a bit to accept I know my body,while being sure that the fact it is forbidden,and severely punished,limit it.When they decided to put it on me permanently,I knew very well my body,was going to finish my License(and studying for a Master is harder),was caught to date a man I was not allowed to(using weed,bad looking...),and forced to break-up with him(so single),and it was clear I was more sexually active since I've started university(disobeying these rules more often).There is some guess for my part,however,as I haven't discussed much about it with my parents(I don't like to discuss such topics with them).
As a possibility she has,no matter her grades/behavior(as it would be useful for making her a better student,in my opinion).But using it as a reward would be better than nothing.
HHelen I just had to speed it up.
So,even if single,she would have to wear one during her studies at university?
Angelina Then you should discuss it with your daughter beforehand.
I agree.
It would be easier to understand and discus,sure.
Similar for me!
For now,the positive aspects are clearly less important than the negative ones,I think...