I’m curious if anyone has suggestions for a androgynous chastity belt for men that looks unisex? I had problems with comfort and sleep so belt must be very comfortable for long term wear. I have look at Mysteel, Neosteel “fun” and Access Denied. Are there any particular model you would recommend?

    Please introduce yourself, we're a community here, and we'd like to know about your motivation for chastity.

    As for your question: Latowski in Germany and Carrara of Belgium offer handmade belts in great quality and might additionally make your design preference come true. Obviously, you should be willing to spend time and money on this.

      you looking for some like fancysteel, but comfortable. No belt will be conformable, is always an issue.

      I've got the knockoff from china, it's a bit weird feeling, when you touch between your legs and there is nothing, I'm feeling sometimes like a eunuch 😆

        Angelina I mean something that don’t look particular male or female I mean more like a unisex look.

          Markus Agree it’s always issue had a cage from china made me bleed that is not really comfortable 😆 Which one do you have from china do you like it?

            Martin Martin that’s what I call impressive belt looks secure and very gender neutral actually like it a lot. Bit pricey compared to I hardly heard anyone mention they got one. But makes me curious.

            Markus The fancy steel really like to has a very interesting look with the wires.

            Subby I mean something that don’t look particular male or female I mean more like a unisex look.

            difficult to find in my opinion, because there is a male and a female anatomy, which is mostly recognizable. there are trans belts, maybe they are something you are looking for?

              Subby I've got this one
              It's like the same design from fancysteel, but for a reasonable price. It has one major issue: the penis tube is short, so in my case, urine goes the wrong way. I made my own tube, which is now better. Wear it straight for 8 months, 24/7.

              In another forum, they had a long discussion about these Chinese belts. It was reason for me to order it.

                2 months later

                Markus Could imagine urine would end up in the shield. See in the link that there’s a belt with grill type maybe would solve urine problem.

                  Angelina Thank you for the suggestion about the trans type maybe they would give a more androgynous appearance I mean not big bulge. Maybe the my-steel one is the androgynous since my-steel is quite popular by females too. Looks very similar to each other.

                    Subby I would recommend you get a Latowski belt

                    I have the MySteel Untouchable Premium myself. It also has no buge and looks kind of newat, but I haven't made very good experiences with it.
                    Others do like MySteel a lot therefore

                      Max9 you don’t sound like a fan of my-steel. It’s quite pricey so a big bet to buy a my-steel if it’s not good. Had looked at neosteel fun too. Thanks for link will check it out.

                      • Max9 replied to this.

                        Subby Well, it took me a lot time to get used to it, but many people here got used to it a lot faster. Also, my skin is very sensitive which definitely contributed tl that.

                        It's just not that easy to go to the toilet and after some time the cable on the rear can get annoying, especially when sitting on a hard surface.

                          Max9 Was actually what I have been little worried about to rear cable since toilet visit could be very annoying it seems. Don’t think the ones with hole is ideal either hard to keep to keep clean.

                          • Max9 replied to this.