Susan There is a better chance of AJ wearing one than Monica 😆
AJ believes that people should be in a committed relationship before having sex, but she has sex when she is not in a committed relationship. She has yet to name even one practical difficulty that she and her girlfriend would face if they wanted to break up, and practical difficulties in breaking up are what commitments are made of.
She believes that people should wait at least a year to have sex, but she only waited "many months."
Since she has already violated her own morality, and you and Kate have not, she needs a belt more than either of you do.
I don't know how you stand laying in bed each night restrained and knowing that your aunt may be fornicating in the next room.
Maybe she should wear a belt and her keys could go in a lock box with two padlocks. You and Kate could each have a key for one of the locks.
If I were you I'd be tempted to make AJ wearing a belt and following her own rules a condition of continuing to wear your own belts, but then I particularly dislike hypocrisy. Jesus condemned hypocrites far more often than he condemned sinners.