yes yes yes i made it 😉 i have again a chain between the tighbands . it is only a small victory but a very important one for me and my freedom.
i discussed my diary with my father this afternoon. he was very satisfied that the entries were not too frequent 😉 at the beginning he was very skeptical and asked if i would have kept the diary honestly. luckily he believed me and was very proud of me that despite my progressive relationship with camryn, i have my horniness under control 🙂
i wanted to take the chance, because he was in a good mood. i asked him if it was possible to get a chain between the tighbands at least during the day. afterwards i listed all arguments i had (normal walking, pain in the legs, also with chain safe enough etc.). in the beginning he was not convinced but we could negotiate a deal and it looks like this
between 6:30am and 6:30pm i am allowed to have a chain with a length of 5cm between the tighbands, but i do a lot more work in the house, my father said that if i want more freedom, i can also use this freedom for meaningful activities. in the evenings and at night i still have to wear a padlock, but no matter finally more freedom 🙂 furthermore i have to take care myself that you don't hear the chain, probably i will wrap the chain with rubber.
then came the decisive moment, my father removed the padlock and put in a chain. he adjusted the length to exactly 5cm . that was such an extremely beautiful feeling 😃 😃 😃 I am still limited but can still make much bigger steps and notice the tighbands at least no longer with every movement 😃
i am so happy, i called camryn immediately and told her about the positive news 😃