Some of us here consider chastity like a life style,too.
Never had a girlfriend holding the keys to your chastity cage?
Angelina I think I'd break a few bones trying to copy that. 😂
Angelina and for that I was punished and I honestly regret it now 😉
Would you feel the same if not punished?
Angelina how would it be if you both are locked up and change the keys ?
It could be a good idea!But it would need strong willpower from both partners.
Angelina good idea without a keyholder the concept does not work 😉
It is not true chastity,at least,if we have our keys.
However,many of us here haven't got an orgasm since months or years...🙁
That's a long time!😉
Andyhhh And the less sexual-active one may be more dominant (he/she can stay in chastity longer lol)
Yes,if not equal about it,someone would have an advantage.
Angelina I mean I could definitely do without for 20 days, even without the belt 😉
In my case,without the chastity belt,I would have troubles to stay 20 days without an orgasm...
Angelina you can't know that until you have a relationship
I agree.