youdontknowme Hi there. Whose idea was it to wear the device, how are you feeling about it, and what are the rules under which you wear it?
Bright youdontknowme It was my father's idea. I'm grateful for it, I have become so much more productive. The rules are quite basic and simple: supervised unlocked cleaning 1-2 times per week, 1-2 quick supervised releases per month for health reasons.
Bright Milord Yes. It's a time limit to ensure that it's just for the purpose of release, not pleasure (masturbation). Couple of minutes.
Angelina Bright welcome to the forum 🙂 the arguments in favour of chastity are not dissimilar to those of my father
DinoKen Hello everybody! I'm so glad I found this message board. I'm Den. Funny story, a friend from an mmorpg brought me here when I told her about my "unique interest". ^^
Angelina DinoKen welcome to the forum 🙂 DinoKen mmorpg ??? DinoKen I told her about my "unique interest". ^^ and that would be? Bobberino101 lol that's funny welcome to the forum, you seem to be the friend 😃 (although only registered here for one day)
DinoKen Sasha she is. Though she won't reveal her handle. It would be wild if it was actually you though hmmmmm
youdontknowme Honestly I am suspecting Rina. But I am more curious about what @DinoKen's interests in chastity are.
pestulens Angelina DinoKen mmorpg ??? The acronym stands for "Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game". Think world of warcraft or eve online.
Angelina pestulens The acronym stands for "Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game". Think world of warcraft or eve online. thanks, i have no experience with such games